Along with bags of character that a Protected Status Building typically offers, comes the responsibility of reinstating any damage on a like-for-like basis.
Typically, insurance cover for listed buildings is based on the rebuild cost, so it’s imperative that the rebuild cost is accurate and up to date.
Every Protected Status Building is unique, so it’s important that it’s assessed by an expert Building Insurance Surveyor to establish the correct rebuild value.
As well as our site-based Reinstatement Cost Assessments, we can also offer our desk-based Benchmark e-Valuation service for Grade II or equivalent Protected Status buildings with a Declared Value up to €2M.
Speak to the Buildings Insurance Valuation experts
If you're looking for a practice that focuses exclusively on buildings insurance valuations, you've come to the right place. We survey all types of property from private homes and blocks of flats to commercial and industrial premises.